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Ana Isabel

The Gift

It was a light dawn. The previous day’s forecast for snow seemed unlikely. I headed for the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The routine detail of life. Teddy, my dog always starts the day with a game which means we begin the morning with laughter. By the time we finished breakfast, the sky had changed. As I greeted my client, I looked out the window. “The clouds look like snow clouds”, I remarked.

We thought no more of it but not long into our session, big snowflakes, the type that tickle your nose as they land on your face, began to fall. I wondered whether it would settle. I thought no more of it, focusing on my client. Then I heard the children laughing and playing. I haven’t heard joy like that for a long time. It made my soul sing.

As soon as I finished work, I headed out with Teddy. His joy and excitement were contagious. Every dog we met was the same. Suddenly all the gloom of the world was gone.

The snow has now melted and it’s easy to feel that magic has deserted us. It’s easy to fall back into gloom. The snow was a beautiful gift, now we need to look for other, less shiny ones. Small things can ruin a day but it’s also small things that can lift it. The smile on a friend’s face, the first snowdrop to make an appearance, a chat with a stranger.

Never have small things meant so much. Walk tall, smile find your daily gifts and let your own smile be a gift to others.

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