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A Visionary Guide to Lucid Dreaming

The world of dreams is a fascinating journey into the subconscious mind. What if our conscious self could learn how to interact with...

Born To Do It

Life isn’t always straightforward. It can meander and take you in directions you never considered. Whether you engage with it and welcome...

Grief A Dark And Sacred Time

This is a wonderful guide to understanding the pain of grief. Whether you are grieving and wondering why you are having panic attacks, or...

Red Dress And Spiritual Truths

As a therapist I have come to recognise that whatever the reason why my clients initially visit, it often amouts to an existential...


To be the point of stillness whilst all rages about you... To be calm amidst the storm... To be able to hold still while a torrent rushes...


It’s time. We’ve been waiting for this moment all winter and here it is. Spring has ever been a time of hope. The dreams we nurture in...

The Gift

It was a light dawn. The previous day’s forecast for snow seemed unlikely. I headed for the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The routine...


It came to me while meditating yesterday. The image of a beautiful lotus flower. I researched and discovered that one of it’s meanings is...


It’s one of the buzz words of our time. If you’re struggling and feeling down, it’s often difficult to feel grateful. In fact the very...

Talking Peace

You may wonder how my title could possibly relate to this picture. The image shows me and Teddy having one of our deep conversations. At...

New Dawn

I woke this morning to the sound of rain. Grey light was coming through my window. The alarm hadn’t yet gone so I snuggled back into my...

The End Of The Walk

It was the end of a lovely autumn walk. The Sun was low in the sky. I turned to get into the car and saw the Sun blazing behind me. It...

The Gift

Count your blessings. It’s an old saying. In today’s language, the buzzword is gratitude. I’ve been taking stock of my blessings in the...

The Truth Shall Set You Free

It’s an old saying, going back to the bible, the kind of thing we would have been told as children. It’s easy to imagine an earnest...


Watching a lion or indeed any cat, we are immediately aware of their confidence. Every move is smooth and it’s hard to imagine they could...

The Antidote To Fear

“The charm that repels a Boggart is simple, yet it requires force of mind. You see, the thing that really finishes a Boggart is laughter....

The Nature of Love

When Teddy first arrived at eight weeks old, he turned our lives upside down. This is a common story for those who bring a puppy into the...

The Golden Light, Teacher of Acceptance

At this time of year, my favourite time to walk is around noon. After that the light of the Sun grows weaker and I miss that wonderful...


A woodland can look eerie, forbidding, cold or inviting, alive and welcoming. It all depends on the light coming into it. Our perspective...

The Dance

Yesterday Teddy and I walked with our friend, Scout. Scout is a beautiful Airedale and she was just coming out of season. About 10...

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